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Trophy Boys

  • Theatre
  • Arts Centre Melbourne, Southbank
  1. Four actors dressed in drag wear high school uniforms on a
    Photograph: Supplied/Arts Centre Melbourne
  2. An actor sprawled on a table in Trophy Boys
    Photograph: Supplied/Arts Centre Melbourne
  3. An actors onstage in Trophy Boys
    Photograph: Supplied/Arts Centre Melbourne
  4. Actor sits on a table in Trophy Boys
    Photograph: Supplied/Arts Centre Melbourne

Time Out says

This critically acclaimed black comedy queers the boys' club that is high school debating

We on the affirmative team contend that taking a high school debating tournament, making feminism the topic of discussion and turning it all into a play is a recipe for a fascinating night of theatre. 

Trophy Boys is a queer black comedy and drag extravaganza, where a female and non-binary cast play high school boys participating in the aforementioned debating tournament. The topic? That feminism has failed women. Their side? The affirmative.

The drama unfolds in real time, as the 70-minute play follows the debating team through their one-hour prep period for the all important grand finale of the Year 12 Interschool Debating Tournament. How will they annihilate their sister school while debating such a tricky topic?

Writer Emmanuelle Mattana (who also plays Owen) and director Marni Mount first met at a national debating tournament in 2016, adding another layer to this already chuckle-inducing narrative.

"In high school I was a competitive debater. I loved it and I hated it. At the time, it was one of the few places I was allowed to be – and often even celebrated for being – the argumentative, outspoken, hugely nerdy, young queer woman I was", says Mattanna.

This will be the third year in a row that Trophy Boys will run in Melbourne, following sold-out seasons at La Mama in 2022 and fortyfivedownstairs in 2023. This time around, the dark drag extravaganza will play at Arts Centre Melbourne’s Fairfax Studio from July 16-21. The play will also tour to Geelong Arts Centre on June 14-15.

Melbourne tickets range from $25-55 and you can get yours here.

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Ashleigh Hastings
Written by
Ashleigh Hastings


Arts Centre Melbourne
100 St Kilda Rd
Nearby stations: Flinders Street
Opening hours:

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