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Support Women DJs

  • Nightlife
  • Bushwick
  1. women dj concert  (Support Women DJs)
    Support Women DJs
  2. Support Women DJs (Jalen Johnson)
    Jalen Johnson
  3. Support Women DJs (Jalen Johnson)
    Jalen Johnson
  4. Support Women DJs (Jalen Johnson)
    Jalen Johnson
  5. women dj concert  (Support Women DJs)
    Support Women DJs
  6. Support Women DJs (Jalen Johnson)
    Jalen Johnson
  7. Support Women DJs (Jalen Johnson)
    Jalen Johnson
  8. Support Women DJs (Emily Akers)
    Emily Akers
  9. Support Women DJs (Emily Akers)
    Emily Akers
  10. DJ music event  (Support Women DJs)
    Support Women DJs
  11. female DJ (Support Women DJs)
    Support Women DJs
  12. Support Women DJs (Emily Akers)
    Emily Akers
  13. women dj music  (Support Women DJs)
    Support Women DJs
🪩 We throw parties where women control the decks.
- Support Women DJs

Time Out says

Join the movement for gender equity in the EDM industry with Support Women DJs

Support Women DJs fosters a community of femme-identifying DJs and their supporters through events like intimate rooftop house sets, Berlin-style techno shows and underground dubstep raves. United by the belief that more diversity on stage equals more fun on the dance floor, the events are a safe space for wild dancing and authentic expression. Women always control the decks but people of all genders are welcome to join. No matter what style of music you like, there's an event for you!
Written by Time Out in paid partnership with Support Women DJs
Support Women DJs says
When COVID restrictions were lifted in 2021, Rach Brosman, like many of us, wanted to be outside. She started going to raves, where she found a nightlife community that would go on to become some of her closest friends. But after a while, she couldn’t help but think about how most of the lineups of the shows she was going to consisted almost exclusively of men. So, she decided to do something about it. That's how Support Women DJs was born.

🪩 5/31: DnB Rave ft. Dugout Radio & GG Magree @ Market Hotel, Bushwick
🪩 6/6, 13, 20, 27: Rooftop Thursdays @ Sultan Rooftop, Bushwick
🪩 6/21: STRAP Pride Party with DJ_DAVE @ 3 Dollar Bill, East Williamsburg 🏳️‍🌈


Femme Fontaine BK
245 S 1st Street
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